NEWS whippet

A new boy in Foxpolis team

⭐ Let me introduce you to a new member of the Foxpolis family! 
➡️ Southpoint Kilian Foxpolis came to us from Portugal. 
❤️ I would like to thank the Breeder Luis Graça Southpoint with all my heart for trusting us with this very special boy. I also thank all involved 🧡😍
⭐ So far, we know that Kilian has very chearful character, he loves to cuddle, is wonderfully socialized by the breeder, he likes all dogs, even French bulldogs ❤️ He is brave, funny and friendly. He is also sooooooooo beauuuuutiful 😍 Once again – thank you Luis !
🧡➡️ Kilian's pedigree is very valuable to me. That is why I am very happy to have him on the Foxpolis team. 

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